Friday, May 15, 2020

The Occupational Field Of Nursing - 1262 Words

The occupational field of nursing and the educational instruction associated with nursing has evolved over the past century due to detail oriented research and scientifically developed contributions. The advancement of new technology and improved theory has drastically upgraded nursing practices, allowing patients to experience an efficient and professional form of healthcare serves. To learn more about the changes in the field of nursing that have taken place in the last 60 years I interviewed nurses that graduated from nursing school in three different decades. Although changes have taken place in regards to educational setting, cost of education, dress code, clinical hours and state board exam, the overall core of nursing has remained†¦show more content†¦. Ms. Grice described her pinning ceremonies (LPN and AND) as spiritual and very special. Her clinical rotation was described as a vigorous schedule. Psychic, OB/GYN consisted of 2 clinical days, 6-8 hours per day during her summer semester. Med-Surg clinical days consisted of 12 hour days, 2 days per week at Moore Reginal in Pinehurst, NC. After her educational accomplishment, she has worked family practice (as LPN), Med/Surg and Orthopedics (RN) and currently is the Patient Liaison for Surgery Services at Scotland Memorial Hospital in Laurinburg, NC. Upon completion of the nursing programs (LPN and AND), Ms. Grice had to take the NCLEX, a state board exam for nurses to become licensed. The test was timed, all questions were accompanied by multiple choice or select all that apply answers and administered on a computer. Estimated cost for the ADN program are $7,000. She recommends graduate nurses to start their career working on a med/surg floor with a preceptor to gain as much experience and hands on education as possible. Ms. Nikki Edge RN BSN graduated from East Carolina University in Greenville, NC 1998. She obtained a Bachelor’s of Science of Nursing degree after four years at the uni versity. Though she could not remember exactly the cost of her education, she estimated it to be $25,000-$30,000 for all four years. For class Ms. Edge didn’t have a specific dress code, but during clinical she wore scrubs (any color) accompanied by a white lab coat and white

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